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William Blair Thinking

Our library of white papers, market updates, podcasts, and other resources is designed to provide you with actionable intelligence for emerging opportunities.

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Our Latest Insights

Private Wealth Management

Estate Planning Checklist

Estate planning is a method for determining how to distribute your property during your life and at your death. William Blair published an organizer to help facilitate the process.

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Investment Management

Entrepreneurial Environment

Just as we believe in giving everyone on the team a voice, we create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to take on real responsibilities, regardless of tenure, and colleagues feel a sense of ownership because they’ve grown with the team.

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Investment Management

Highly Collegial

Because collaboration is so important to our process, we strive to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the sharing—and debate—of ideas.

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Investment Management

Embracing the Qualitative

We believe cashflow, financial returns, and other traditional quantitative markers of performance provide a good picture of present-day quality, but more difficult-to-quantify qualitative attributes indicate a company’s enduring quality.

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Investment Management

Meticulous Bottom-Up Analysis

While we account for macroeconomic factors in our analysis, we believe we add the greatest value for clients through our rigorous approach to fundamental analysis—delving into business models and industry economics.

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Equity Research

Monthly Macro with Richard de Chazal—June 2024

In this episode of William Blair Thinking Presents, macro analyst Richard de Chazal walks through highlights from William Blair’s 44th Annual Growth Stock Conference and explains how the event provides a window into the state of the U.S. consumer. He also dissects the latest macro data, including CPI and PPI releases, the FOMC meeting, and the impact of the European elections on the global macro landscape.

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