In 2024, the Anne Frank Art Competition celebrated its 11th anniversary, marking another milestone for an event that continuously inspires and empowers youth through artistic expression. Sponsored by William Blair in collaboration with the Anne Frank Educational Centre (“Bildungsstätte Anne Frank”), the competition has become an important platform for young voices to explore and express themes of democracy, human rights, and diversity.

The theme of the 2024 competition was “Worth a Speech” (“Der Rede wert!”), a fitting backdrop for the celebration of youth creativity and Anne Frank's enduring legacy. This year, the judges selected three winners in three different age groups. The speeches addressed a variety of topics, such as wars and their impact on societies, discrimination, sexual identity, freedom of speech, and human rights.

Many of the winners attended the ceremony at the Centre, and several spoke in public for the first time in their young lives. All the speeches resonated deeply with the audience. The main prize was won by an inspiring speech that adapted the start of Goethe’s Erlking (“Erlkönig”), which depicted the death of a son carried by a father and assailed by a supernatural being. The speaker transformed it into a 2024 version, voicing the fears that many women have when walking alone on the street.  

Event participants

William Blair investment banker Philipp Mohr, who was inspired by a painting of Anne Frank’s diary he saw when visiting the Jewish Center of the Hamptons, initiated the competition with the Anne Frank Educational Centre several years ago. Reflecting on the journey, Mohr said, "We wanted to create something that not only honors Anne Frank’s legacy but also empowers young people to be the change-makers of tomorrow." His dedication to Holocaust remembrance and youth empowerment has been instrumental in shaping the competition into a respected and impactful event.

Over the years, the competition has evolved to include various art forms, consistently emphasizing the importance of historical memory and the fight against intolerance. William Blair’s steadfast support for the competition underscores its broader commitment to community engagement. By nurturing the talents and voices of young people, the firm helps ensure that Anne Frank’s legacy continues to inspire new generations to advocate for justice, equality, and human dignity.

As the competition looks to the future, it remains a beacon of hope and creativity, encouraging young artists to carry forward the lessons of the past through their unique and powerful perspectives. The 11th anniversary not only celebrates over a decade of achievements but also reaffirms the enduring relevance of Anne Frank’s story in today’s world.