Our Corporate Retirement Services team provides services and solutions to a broad spectrum of plan types and designs.

Our Corporate Retirement Services team provides services and solutions to a broad spectrum of plan types and designs.
When is the last time you had a service provider review and evaluate your retirement plan?
Do you have a strong education program in place for plan participants?
Are you optimizing your plan features?
Does your plan offer funds that align with your employee demographic?
As a plan sponsor, you have a fiduciary responsibility to manage and administer your retirement plan prudently and in the best interest of your plan participants and their beneficiaries. Complex administrative and regulatory requirements are placed on plan fiduciaries, which can range from selecting service providers to monitoring plan investment options. It is important that you understand and fulfill your obligations as the plan’s fiduciary and, when necessary, look to outside professionals for their expertise.
Please contact your William Blair wealth advisor or Rachel Dorman for more information.
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